Being referenced locally is the assurance of being visible from the first step of your customer's buying journey!
What is local referencing?
Local referencing represents your ability to be visible when a consumer performs a geolocalized search (e.g.: dentist in Montreal) or that Google interprets as being of proximity.
For a few years, Google has reserved a special place for local establishments by giving them a highly visible space called "Local pack". In other words, these are the 3 establishments that it puts forward for free and positions them just below any paid links (paid search or SEA).
Paid links
They are less clicked than non-sponsored links
Local pack
3 establishments suggested by Google, for free!
Zero-click link
The selection of Google corresponds to the most relevant natural referencing
Why is it so important?
On the ground, being locally located at a busy intersection is a guarantee of capturing the attention of shoppers. Online, 9 out of 10 consumers start their shopping journey with a search. The implementation of your digital storefront is therefore a real commercial challenge:
Who will you call after slamming the door and leaving your keys in the apartment?
To whom will you entrust the sale mandate when you compare real estate agencies on the internet?
Which doctor will you trust to give your face a facelift?
The answer to these questions is probably the same: 1/ the one who will be at your fingertips, 2/ who will inform you efficiently and 3/ who will inspire your confidence.
In practice, 8 times out of 10, a consumer searches for information on a local establishment via a Google search. In fact, local searches represent 270 million daily requests, and almost as many purchase intentions!
By being visible on the famous local pack, you ensure an unbeatable visibility. For your information, the 3 links of the local pack attract 62% of clicks, all pages combined!
This means that being on this podium is synonymous with increasing your business!